
Ramses User Meeting (RUM), Paris, 5-6-7 October, 2016

RAMSES is an open source code to model astrophysical systems, featuring self-gravitating, magnetised, compressible, radiative fluid flow. Based on the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) technique, it has been widely used for cosmological simulations of the Universe, isolated as well as cosmological resimulations of individual galaxies, simulations of molecular clouds, star formation, supernovae remnants, accretion disks around black holes and planets.

Now in its fourth year, the Ramses User Meeting (RUM) aims to bring together RAMSES users of all levels to present scientific results, new technical developments and challenges.

Organizing committee


CNRS UMR7095 - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris