Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Univers

Séminaire Univers /
Seminar Universe

« The radial acceleration relation and puzzles in galaxy scaling relations »

Stéphane Courteau
Department Physics Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Queen's University (Kingston, Canada)

Galaxies like our Milky Way can be described in terms of their structure,
dynamics, and stellar populations. Some very robust correlations between
galaxy structural properties, such as total luminosity, circular velocity,
and size display rather small scatter, hinting at well-regulated galaxy
formation processes. A major challenge to understanding these scaling
relations, their tight scatter, and ultimately galaxy formation and
evolution, is the elusive interplay between visible and dark matter.
The radial acceleration relation is analysed in this context. I will
present recent results on galaxy scaling relations in order to constrain
modern structure formation models as well as the nature and distribution
of dark matter in galaxies.
Tuesday 12 May 2020 - 15:30
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Pages web du séminaire / Seminar's webpage