Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Doctorants

Séminaire Doctorants / Seminar PhD students

« Pulsar wind nebulae »

Virginia Bresci
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (Paris, France)

Pulsar Wind Nebulae are complex astrophysical enviroments where an highly magnetized wind made of electron-positron pairs interacts with the surrounding supernovae remnant through a shock. If magnetohydrodynamics modelling can, on one hand, reproduce globally the morphology of pulsar wind nebulae, a refined description of what is behind, i.e. on kinetic scales, is still missing and open questions still persist such as how the energy is efficiently dissipated from the electro-magnetic fields into the particles. On this regard, the possibility that the wind becomes turbulent before crossing the shock offers a promising scenario. By means of Particle-In-Cell simulations we study the physic at play in such picture in order to understand how (and if) a turbulent enviroment can affect the process of dissipation and acceleration of particles at the shock front.
Friday 09 April 2021 - 16:00
Webinaire, Institut d'Astrophysique
Page web du Séminaire / Seminar's webpage