Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_GReCO

Séminaire / Seminar GReCO

« Non-Gaussianity from Inflation »

B. van Tent
Lab. Physique Théorique (LPHT), Univ. Paris-Sud XI (Orsay, France)

Non-linear effects, present in all inflation models, will cause the primordial perturbation spectrum to be non-Gaussian. While these effects are small, CMB data are getting sufficiently accurate that we might well expect to detect them in the near future with WMAP and PLANCK, providing us with new information about the early universe.
In this talk I will discuss the formalism we developed to deal with the required non-linearity during inflation. Applying it to single-field inflation shows that there the non-Gaussianity is unobservably small. However, next I will apply the formalism to general multiple-field inflation and derive an analytic expression for the bispectrum. From this we see that the influence of the isocurvature modes on the adiabatic mode at super-horizon scales can lead to a much larger non-Gaussianity. Specific examples are worked out.
Thursday 12 April 2007 - 11:00
Salle des séminaires Évry Schatzman
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Pages web du séminaire / Seminar's webpage