Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Hautes_Energies

Séminaire Hautes Energies /
Seminar High Energy

« Detection of short high-energy transients in the local Universe with SVOM/ECLAIRs. Are binary black hole mergers and long gamma-ray bursts drawn from the same black hole population? »

Benjamin Arcier
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (Toulouse, France)

The Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) is a Chinese-French space mission due for launch in mid 2023, dedicated to the study of the most distant stellar explosions, the Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs). The first part of the presentation will describe the methodology followed for simulating the performances of SVOM hard X-ray imager, ECLAIRs. Existing codes (Mate et al. 2019, Antier 2016) have been combined to get an end-to-end simulation of the expected background and GRBs events. This tool has then been used for several applications throughout my thesis, and I will present one of them: the assessment of ECLAIRs detection performances for short high-energy transients in the local Universe (Arcier et al. 2020). It will be the opportunity to discuss the multi-wavelength and multi-messenger possibilities offered by the SVOM mission concerning these objects.
In the second part, I will present a work independent of SVOM, which explores the possible connections between GRBs and binary black hole mergers (Arcier et Atteia 2021, under revision). Since the detection of the first binary black hole (BBH) merger in 2015, ~100 gravitational waves (GW) events have been detected, enabling unique measurements of this population. In parallel, the detection of hundreds of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs), believed to be emitted during the collapse of massive stellar cores provides another window of the population of stellar mass black holes. In this work, we compare the population of BBH mergers detected by LIGO/Virgo with selected GRB world models convolved with a delay function. The comparison involves the redshift distribution and the fraction of GRBs required to produce the local rate of BBH mergers measured in the gravitational-wave transient catalogues GWTC-1, GWTC-2 and GWTC-3.
Tuesday 14 December 2021 - 14:00
Salle Entresol Daniel Chalonge
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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