Résumé / Abstract Seminaire_IAP
« The molecular dusty torus of active galactic nuclei: an ALMA and JWST perspective »

Almudena Alonso Herrero
Centro de Astrobiología (tutelles CSIC INTA) (Madrid, Espagne)

The different observational properties of the type 1/type 2 classes of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are explained by a geometrically and optically thick torus of molecular gas and dust. This structure obscures the central engine from some lines of sight. For more than two decades, the torus was proposed to be a compact (pc-scale), isolated, and rotating structure. The Galactic Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS) forever changed the picture of the torus and its immediate surroundings. In this talk, I will summarize our recent work using high angular resolution ALMA and mid-IR observations, including some taken with JWST/MIRI, of nearby GATOS Seyfert galaxies. ALMA reveals much larger tori than previously thought, with sizes of a few tens of parsecs. The extended mid-infrared emission in the nuclear regions of Seyfert galaxies is often detected in the direction perpendicular to the torus, but there are other components present, which might not be necessarily associated to nuclear dusty winds. These tori are rotating, and sometimes outflowing, thus taking part in the dust and gas cycle of the central regions of AGN. The nuclear mid-IR AGN spectra observed with JWST/MIRI show a variety of shapes and features that are revealing the nature of the AGN obscuring material. All these new observations are fundamental to develop the next generation of torus radiative transfer models and hydrodynamical simulations.
vendredi 17 novembre 2023 - 11:00
Amphithéâtre Henri Mineur, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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