Résumé / Abstract Seminaire_IAP
« 3.5+ years of characterising exoplanet systems with CHEOPS »

Monika Lendl
Département d'Astronomie, Université de Genève (Genève, Suisse)

Characterizing Exoplanets Satellite (CHEOPS) is the first ESA space mission dedicated to the study of known exoplanets. With its 30-cm telescope, CHEOPS is performing ultra-high precision photometry of exoplanetary systems with a sensitivity allowing to characterise small planets transiting Solar-type stars. CHEOPS also probes planetary atmospheres through measurements of the planetary day side flux encoded in secondary eclipses and collects longitudinal brightness maps of several key exoplanets through full-orbit phase-curve observations.

In this talk, I will zoom in on the science highlights of the CHEOPS mission, illustrating how CHEOPS is improving density measurements of low-mass planets, detecting and confirming small planets orbiting bright host stars and resolving the architectures of key exoplanet systems. I will also focus on the CHEOPS GTO survey of close-in gas giant atmospheres, discussing key systems in detail and presenting a systematic set of measurements of planetary geometric albedos and their connected population-level trend.

I will conclude by discussing a few highlights obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope, emphasise synergies between JWST and CHEOPS and give an outlook on what we can expect from CHEOPS’ first mission extension.
vendredi 28 juin 2024 - 11:00
Amphithéâtre Henri Mineur, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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