On 4 June 2021, from 8 pm until the middle of the night, the Institut d’astrophysique de Paris (IAP) is organising its third “Night of Astronomy”. The 2019 night projected onto the next 20 years of the discipline in tribute to the 80 years of the CNRS, and that of 2020 considered the new stakes of cosmology. The 2021 night focuses on the exploration of exoplanets, how they are discovered, how they are observed and characterized, and how our solar system is compared with extrasolar systems.
Rebroadcast website: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUgAV7nixQ39bgdOa7sW53B03Y1TErl1G
Artistic view of the exoplanetary system WASP-148: the planet WASP-148c is shown in front, on the back, one can see the planet WASP-148b transiting in front of the host star around which the two planets are in orbit.
© Institut d’astrophysique de Paris, Mark A. Garlick
Due to the health crisis, the evening will be streamed live on the IAP YouTube channel and will allow for interaction with the evening's speakers as well as for questions via the live “chat”. The night's programme will include short online lectures, musical and drawing interventions inspired by the presentations, and discussions with young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral) from the laboratory who will describe their work as well as their career path and their passion. The first talks of the night will be dedicated to the young public, with an educational introduction and a tabletop experiment session to explain simply how exoplanets are detected. The evening will include online quizzes organised by IAP PhD students, and dedicated to exoplanets.
The evening will be hosted by Alice Thomas, video artist and science journalist, accompanied by Alexandre Barthélemy, PhD student from the laboratory. The drawings will be done live by cartoonists from the Café des sciences. Among the exoplanetologists who will speak during the evening are Alain Lecavelier des Étangs, Amélie Gressier, Anne-Marie Lagrange, Arnaud Cassan, Clément Ranc, Eder Martioli, Flavien Kiefer, Guillaume Hébrard, Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Pierre-Cécil König, Pierre Drossart and Roger Ferlet.
Musical improvisations will be provided by Gabriel, violinist and improvising musician, and by the masked Ukulele player.
Please come on 4 June live on YouTube to celebrate the exoplanets!
All talks and conferences will be given in French.
The cartoonists from the Café des sciences |
The partners
Jean Mouette
Institut d’astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, SU
mouette [at] iap [point] fr
Organization: Karim Benabed
Production, communication, iconography and web layout: Jean Mouette
Scientific committee: Pierre Drossart, Guillaume Hébrard
Administration and reception: Sandy Artero
Logistics: Christophe Gobet
Web writing: Karim Benabed, Valérie de Lapparent
April 2021