Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Library
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  • Locating documents in the stacks

You need three informations to locate documents in the stacks : its section, its call number and its availability (in stack, in storeroom or on loan).

Section of a document

The documents are classified by a unique call number that details their specific location in the Library's various sections (references, master, research, periodicals).

The most part of the sections are identified on the library maps.

Call number of a document

Collection of books

The call number is based on one of two classification indexes: own library classification (section research) or the Dewey Decimal classification (MASTER section). To this are added the cutter number (unique), year of publication, and details like volume no., copy no., and so on.

Exemple d'une cote de la section master : 523.112 5/L36.MIL.2002

  • « 523.112 5 » = subject.
  • « L36 » = alphanumeric code for representing a work's author.
  • « MIL » = alphabetic code for representing the 3 first letters of the title.
  • « 2002 » = year of publication.

Collections of periodicals

The periodicals located in the reading room do not have call numbers. Current year issues are available on display unit, the previous years are stored in archives rooms.
The periodicals located in in archives rooms are available on request.

Status of a document

You must check directly to see that the item is or not available on the shelf.

If you do not find the item, there is two explanations : the item has been borrowed or a user is still reading it in the library. Then you should search in the library catalogue that the library holds copies. Otherwise, you have the right to reserve the item by phone or by mail.

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