FREY | Sandor | FOMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory | HUNGARY |
Yes | poster | 0 | The 10-100 pc scale radio structure of the only radio-loud quasar at z>6 |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Looking for reionization tracks in the young Universe |
GNEDIN | Nick | Fermilab | USA | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | Escape fraction from galaxies |
GOLDONI | Paolo | APC | FRANCE | No | | 0 | |
GREINER | Jochen | MPE Garching | GERMANY |
Yes | Invi.Talk | 0 | Detecting high-z gamma-ray bursts |
HAEHNELT | Martin | Institute of Astronomy | UK | No | Review | 0 | Early growth of supermassive black holes |
HARKER | Geraint | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | NETHERLANDS | No | Poster | 1 | Statistics to extract and analyze the 21cm signal from the Epoch of |
IM | Myungshin | Seoul National University | SOUTH_KOREA |
Yes | oral | 0 | SUPERMASSIVE BLACKHOLES OF QUASARS - AT WORLD'S END (4.5 < z < 6.5) |
INOUE | Akio | Osaka Sangyo University | JAPAN |
Yes | Poster | 1 | On the detectability of the Lyman continuum from distant galaxies |
IWATA | Ikuru | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | JAPAN |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Ionizing Radiation from Galaxies at z=3 through Wide-Field Narrow-Band Imaging |
JAKOBSSON | Palli | University of Hertfordshire | UK |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Building a Complete Sample of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts |
JELIC | Vibor | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, RUG | NETHERLANDS |
Yes | poster | 0 | The foregrounds simulations for the LOFAR-EoR Experiment |
KAJINO | Hiroki | Kyoto Univ. | JAPAN |
Yes | poster | 0 | Spectroscopy of Lyman Break Galaxies at z~5 |
KNEIB | Jean-paul | LAM | FRANCE | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | Observing the most distant Galaxies through Lenses |
KRAMER | Roban | Columbia University | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | Calibrating the Use of Quasar Lyman Alpha Emission Lines as Probes of Reionization |
LAPI | Andrea | Dip. Fisica, Univ. | ITALY |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Long Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Host Galaxies at High Redshift |
LE BORGNE | Damien | CEA Saclay | FRANCE |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Cosmic star formation history from the mid and far infrared up to z =5 |
LEDOUX | Cedric | European Southern Observatory | CHILE | No | poster | 0 | VLT/UVES spectroscopy of GRB optical afterglows |
LEVAN | Andrew | University of Warwick | UK |
Yes | oral | 1 | A high redshift proto-cluster hosting a short GRB? |
LIDZ | Adam | Harvard CfA | USA |
Yes | Oral | 1 | Detecting the Rise and Fall of 21 cm Fluctuations |
LOEB | Abraham | Harvard University | USA |
Yes | Review | 0 | Overview on Reionization |
MADAU | Piero | University of California | USA | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | The fossil records of reionization |
MAIO | Umberto | Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik | GERMANY |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Impact of gas cooling on high redshift structure formation |
MAIOLINO | Roberto | Ossarvatorio Astronomico di Roma | ITALY |
Yes | oral | 1 | The evolution of the mass--metallicity relation at z>3 |
MAIZY | Alexandre | Laboratoire Astrophysique de Toulouse - Tarbes (UMR5572) | FRANCE |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Looking for the first galaxies : Lensing or blank fields? |
MALHOTRA | Sangeeta | Arizona State University | FRANCE |
Yes | Oral | 0 | Lyman alpha galaxies and Galaxy formation |
MASELLI | Antonella | MPA | GERMANY |
Yes | oral | 1 | Windows on the opaque Intergalactic Medium in the spectra of high-redshift Quasars |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Cosmological Cosmic Ray Production of Beryllium and Boron |
MCGREER | Ian | Columbia University | USA |
Yes | oral | 1 | Radio-Loud Quasars at high redshift |
MELLEMA | Garrelt | Stockholm Observatory | SWEDEN | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | 21cm radiation from Reionization, the view from simulations |
MESINGER | Andrei | University of California at Los Angeles | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | Semi-Numeric Tools Applied to UV Radiative Feedback and Lya Damping Wing Constraints on Reionization |
MUECKET | Jan | Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP) | GERMANY |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Probing the state of the IGM via the thermal and kinematic SZ effect |
MUNOZ | Joseph | Harvard University | USA |
Yes | oral | 1 | Abundance and Clustering of the Most Massive Galaxies at z>6 |
NILSSON | Kim | Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie | GERMANY |
Yes | Oral | 0 | ELVIS - Emission Line galaxies with VISTA Survey |
NORTH | Pierre | Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'EPFL | SWITZERLAND |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Deep VLT spectroscopy of Ly-alpha envelopes around z=4.5 RQQs |
NOTERDAEME | Pasquier | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | FRANCE | No | Poster | 1 | Molecules in the interstellar medium at high redshift |
OESCH | Pascal | ETH Zurich | SWITZERLAND |
Yes | oral | 0 | Constraints on Reionization from z-dropouts |
OHTA | Kouji | Department of Astronomy, Kyoto Univ. | JAPAN |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Stellar populations of LBGs at z~5 I : Stellar masses, ages, color excesses, and star formation rates |
PACHOS | Pascal | Center for Astrophysics and Space ScienceAddress | UK | No | | 0 | |
Yes | Oral | 0 | Looking for star-forming galaxies at z>7 in lensing fields |
Yes | oral | 0 | The physical nature of high redshift Lyalpha emission galaxies |
PETITJEAN | Patrick | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | FRANCE | No | | 0 | |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Reionization effects on Ly_alpha spectra |
RAITER | Anna | European Southern Observatory | GERMANY |
Yes | poster | 0 | Modeling the spectra of the first stars - nebular geometry and predictions for observations |
REDDY | Naveen | NOAO | USA | No | | 0 | |
RHOADS | James | Arizona State University | USA |
Yes | Oral | 0 | Lyman Alpha Tests of Reionization |
RICOTTI | Massimo | University of Maryland | USA | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | X-rays from Primordial Black Holes and their effect on the CMB |
RIPAMONTI | Emanuele | Universita' dell'Insubria | ITALY |
Yes | oral | 1 | Effects of early black holes upon 21 cm radiation |
ROCCA-VOLMERANGE | Brigitte | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | FRANCE |
Yes | oral | 1 | Cosmic Star Formation History by galaxy types from optical to mid-IR surveys |
ROLLINDE | Emmanuel | IAP | FRANCE |
Yes | oral | 1 | Cosmological perspectives on very metal poor stars |
SAVAGLIO | Sandra | Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics | GERMANY | No | Review | 0 | GRBs as tracers of the remote universe |
SCHAERER | Daniel | Geneva Observatory | SWITZERLAND |
Yes | Review | 0 | Lyman Alpha Emitters |
SCHAYE | Joop | Leiden Observatory | NETHERLANDS | No | Invi.Talk | 0 | TBD |
SEMELIN | Benoit | Observatoire de Paris | FRANCE | No | | 0 | |
SHAPLEY | Alice | UCLA | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | Imaging Lyman Continuum Emission from Galaxies at z~3 |
SILK | Joe | Dept of Physics | UK | No | | 0 | |
SIMCOE | Robert | MIT | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | QSO Absorption Measurements of the z > 4 IGM |
SRIANAND | Raghunathan | Inter University Center for Asronomy & Astrophysics | INDIA |
Yes | Oral | 1 | Probing the star formation history using the redshift evolution of luminosity functions |
STANWAY | Elizabeth | University of Bristol | UK |
Yes | Oral | 1 | Rest-UV Studies of galaxies at z>=5 |
STEIDEL | Charles | Caltech | USA |
Yes | Review | 0 | Observations of Feedback Processes at High Redshift |
SZYDLOWSKI | Marek | Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University | POLAND | No | poster | 1 | Cosmic reionization in the universes dominated by dark energy |
TANIGUCHI | Yoshiaki | Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, Ehime University | JAPAN |
Yes | Invi.Talk | 0 | Star Formation at High Redshift |
TANVIR | Nial | University of Leicester | UK |
Yes | oral | 1 | Observations of gamma-ray bursts at high redshift |
TELLES | Eduardo | University of Virginia *on leave form Observatorio Nacional, Brazil | USA |
Yes | Poster | 1 | The L-sigma relation for HII galaxies - a benchmark for high redshift galactic masses and distances |
TEPLITZ | Harry | Spitzer Science Center | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction at Moderate Redshift |
TEPPER GARCÍA | Thorsten | Universität Potsdam | GERMANY | No | Poster | 1 | The cosmic flux decrement: A consistent picture? |
TESCARI | Edoardo | INAF Trieste Astronomical Observatory DAUT | ITALY |
Yes | poster | 0 | Properties of DLAs from high resolution hydro-dynamical simulations |
TEYSSIER | Romain | CEA Saclay | FRANCE | No | | 0 | |
THEUNS | Tom | institute for computational cosmology | UK | No | Review | 0 | The IGM and reionization |
THOMAS | Rajat mani | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | NETHERLANDS |
Yes | Poster | 0 | Simulation of 21(1+z) cm EoR signal for LOFAR |
Yes | Poster | 1 | The SkyMapper telescope and the High Redshift Quasars |
TITTLEY | Eric | Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh | UK |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Reionisation: Would you like your AGM medium, rare, or blue? |
TYTLER | David | UCSD | USA |
Yes | oral | 0 | Absorption in pairs of QSOs: absence of QSO feedback and winds from galaxies |
VAN BETHLEHEM | Jakob | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | NETHERLANDS | Yes | poster | 0 | Simulating radiative transfer during the EOR using unstructured grids |
VANGIONI | Elisabeth | Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | FRANCE | No | | 0 | |
Yes | Poster | 1 | MgII and CIV absorbers along GRB lines of sight |
VERHAMME | Anne | Observatoire de geneve | SWITZERLAND |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Constraints on gaz and stellar properties of z~3 LBGs from the fitting of their lya spectral line |
Yes | oral | 0 | The high-redshift Lyman-alpha forest as a cosmological tool |
VONLANTHEN | Patrick | GRAAL - Université Montpellier II | FRANCE | No | poster | 0 | H2 and HD cooling in gravitational collapses |
VREESWIJK | Paul | Dark Cosmology Centre, University of Copenhagen | DENMARK |
Yes | oral | 0 | VLT/UVES survey of GRB afterglows |
WHALEN | Daniel | LANL | USA |
Yes | oral | 1 | How the First Stars Regulated Local Star Formation: Radiative Feedback |
WORSECK | Gabor | Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam | GERMANY |
Yes | Poster | 1 | The transverse proximity effect in spectral hardness |
YABE | Kiyoto | Department of Astronomy, Kyoto Univ. | JAPAN |
Yes | Poster | 1 | Stellar populations of LBGs at z~5 II : The stellar mass function and the stellar mass density |
ZAROUBI | Saleem | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | NETHERLANDS | No | Review | 0 | Probing the EoR with the redshifted 21~cm line |